What obstacles did I have to overcome?

What obstacles did I have to overcome?

I had to overcome my fear of what others would say, of what others would think of me, of leaving a steady job and a career as a teacher to go after my dreams. I always wanted that when I was a mother to enjoy each stage with my children's and in 2021 God gave me the blessing of becoming pregnant for the first time with a princess named Veronica. In March 2022, I gave birth to my first blessing and I knew that I would do everything so that she never lacks for anything. In August 2022 I was supposed to return to my job as a teacher but I didn't feel ready to leave my little girl in the care of anyone else and additionally I found out that I was pregnant with my second blessing Saray. So I decided to give it my all in my business that had started in July 2022. El placer es la respuesta. It was a business that I feared what others would say because everyone had expectations that I would soon return to my job and I did not want to disappoint anyone. So I only had close friends on the page, almost no family and all in private. But if I wanted my business to be successful and make it my source of income, that had to change and I decided to take a course to improve my business and my confidence in myself. Your business expands as far as your knowledge reaches. My why was stronger, I became a brave woman and willing to go far for her daughters. I made my business known and today I am proud of what I am achieving.
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